Board Members
Board Vice Chairperson:
Rev. Dr. Dinku Bato: The Lutheran Heritage Foundation's Africa Regional Director, overseeing translation projects in over twenty African countries.
Board Chairperson:
Rev. Dr. Gemechu Olana: A dual parish pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Brownsdale, MN & Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Austin, MN.
Board Financial Officer:
Mr. Fikru L. Nigusse: The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio at present. He holds degrees in business administration and accountancy from Franklin University and Addis AABA University.
Board Member, Theological Consultant:
Rev. Dr. Samuel Deressa: Associate Professor of Theology and the Global South, Fiechtner Chair for Christian Outreach, Director of DCO Program.
Board Secretary:
Mrs. Chyeral Stohlmann. For decades, Mrs. Stohlmann, a laity minister, has been actively engaged in the Lutheran Women Missionary League, mission outreach, and congregational education ministry of the LCMS congregations in Southern Minnesota.
Board Member, Resource Development:
Rev. Dr. Teka Obsa Fogi: The pastor of Oromo Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church, a church affiliated with the LCMS. He served 22 years in this position. He recently authorized a book on the use of gifts of grace with the title "Unwrapping the Gifts of Grace: Theological and Practical Perspective.
Board Member, Congregational Outreach:
Rev. Challa Gabbisa Baro: Pastor of Ebenzer Oromo Evangelcial Church in St. Paul, MN. He has been serving in this position for more than a decade. Rev. Challa is a direct descendant of Onesimus Nasib, the esteemed Lutheran Pioneer Oromo Bible Translator.